Dry Cell

Concept Explanation

Dry Cell

A cell is an arrangement in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. In a cell chemical are stored. When used, the chemical reactions occur in the cell produce electricity. A dry cell is one type of electric battery, which is generally used for the home and portable electronic devices. Cells can be of two types :

  •  Primary cell : A Primary cell is one which once used cannot be reused. Dry cell is example of this type of cell.
  •  Secondary cell : The secondary cells are the cells which can be re-used again and again after recharging. These cells are also called storage cells. They are used in cars, trucks, inverters, etc. they are also known as accumulators. If two or more cells are used in combination, it is called a battery.
  • Dry Cell: 

    A dry cell is a very convenient source of electric current. The dry cell, as its name suggests, contains dry or semi- solid ingredients.

    Every source of electric current has two ends or terminal where conducting wires are connected to draw electric current. The tip of the metal cap and the base of the zinc can act as the positive and negative terminals of the dry cell, respectively.

    Advantages of a Dry Cell:

       1. Dry cells are light in weight and small size.

       2. Dry cells can be transported from place to another very easily.

       3. There is no fear of leakage in dry cells.

       4. They can easily be used to run electrical devices.

       5. These cells are used in a number of house hold gadgets like a radio, a transistor tape- recorder, a calculator, a clock, the remove of a T.V., torch, toys, etc.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which of the following are correct ?

    (a) A dry cell is a type of electric battery, which is generally used for the home and portable electronic devices.

    (b) A dry cell is a very convenient source of electric current.

    (c) Dry cells are light in weight and small in size.

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 2

    A cell converts _____________________.

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    A cell converts  ______________________

    Right Option : B
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